Ühekordne lahendus
Keskendu mitmekesise arengu, meil ehitada häid suhteid ketid tehases, vöö tropid tehases, rihmaratas plokk tehase, lasti sideained tehases ja roostevabast terasest toodete tehase, et tagada erinevate klientide vajadustele parima kvaliteedi ja konkurentsivõimelise hinnaga. -
20 aastat kogemusi
Oleme taglase tööstuse kakskümmend aastat. Oleme ideaalne kombinatsioon ladustamine, hankimist, pakendamise lisandväärtusega teenused. Kvaliteetse tasuvaid lahendusi just teie individuaalsetele vajadustele. -
hea kvaliteediga
"Kvaliteet Esiteks Kliendi eelkõige", tagame iga toote läbida tarne kontrolli. Teeme kõik endast oleneva, et anda hea kvaliteediga konkurentsivõimelise hinnaga. Teie ohutus on meie mure.
Linyi Thunder taglase CO., Ltd asutati aastal 1998, mis asub Linyi City, Shandong Province. Meie tehas on spetsialiseerunud rida taglase riistvara, pakume laia tootevalikuga, nagu tross klambrid, ahelad, pingutid, konksud, rõngad, sõrmkübarad, varrukad ja nii on.Focus kohta mitmekesise arengu, meil ehitada head suhted kettide tehases, vöö tropid tehases, rihmaratas plokk tehase, lasti sideained tehases ja roostevabast terasest toodete tehase, et tagada erinevate klientide vajadustele parima kvaliteedi ja konkurentsivõimelise hinnaga.

Standard for inspection of ring of steel ...21-01-15Steel wire rope sleeve ring, which can also be called the heart ring, it is a kind of lifting machinery. Therefore, it is widely used in the field of heavy industry hoisting. Then the following is a brief introduction of its inspection standards by Piner superior industrial equipment, so that we can understand, and at the same time, but also can increase their own knowledge of steel wire rope. The inspection standard of steel wire rope set ring, its main, is four: (1) steel wire...
Selection and safe use of sling20-12-30The hooks are forged from carbon structural steel or alloy structural steel and heat-treated, and have the characteristics of small volume, light weight and high strength. The strength classes of hooks are M (4), S (6) and T (8). The hook test load is 2 times the limit working load, and the breaking load is 4 times the limit working load. Main purpose and scope of application The hook is mainly used as a connecting tool in lifting operation. Use and operation The limit working load and applic...